Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 3/16/23

Year: 2023



24. Retraction: Sakarya ilindeki Erişkinlerde Patella Tiplerinin Dağılımı

Sakarya Medical Journal aims to develop medical science and its members with an open, free and accessible publishing approach. It presents original and current medical articles to its readers.

Sakarya Medical Journal is a scientific journal that aims to reach all national and international medical institutions and personnel, publishing retrospective, prospective or experimental research, review, case report, editorial comment/discussion, letter to the editor and current issues that determine the medical agenda that may be related to every branch of medicine. . The journal is published four times a year in March, June, September and December. The official publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

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1- A cover file (title page) containing the author's name, e-mail, institution, ORCID number and Corresponding Author information should be uploaded in word format.

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3- All articles should include Turkish and English abstracts/keywords.
4- Tables and pictures should be uploaded as separate files, tables should also be added at the end of the text file.
5- The title should be written in lower case, and in the main text the titles of introduction, materials and methods, findings and discussion should be written in capital letters.
6- Reference numbers in the text should be shown as superscript after the dot at the end of the sentence.
7- References at the end of the text, If the number of authors in the study is 6 or less, all authors should be specified, if 7 or more, the first 6 names should be written and "et al" should be added.
8- The full spelling rules are given in the attached file, it is recommended to organize the posts by taking the articles in the previous issues as an example.

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